Resin: First attempt!

We tried to do resin things.

We're still in lockdown, so we're trying out new hobbies. Previously, we worked with soaps. But in the weekend of January 30th we decided to work with resin.

We got the idea from the YouTube channel Evan & Katelyn, who do a whole lot with resin. And it just looks awesome. You can do so much with it: you can make coasters, artsy things, tabletops, and so on.

What is resin?

Resin, or epoxy, is a polymer that comes from plants or is made syntheticly. When you want to work with it, you get it in two components. The first one is the resin, the second one the hardener. Combine them, and you get a chemical reaction that forms a solid, durable plastic substance.

When you combine the two parts, you can also add in some other stuff. Think of mica powders, alcohol inks, or whatever to color the plastic.

So, how it works:

  • Get a mold
  • Get your two resin components, measure 1 part of each (the ratio is 1:1, so if you use 100 ml resin, you also use 100 ml hardener)
  • Mix it (not to hard, it's not cake batter)
  • Add your mica powders/alcohol inks/other color stuff
  • Mix it (again: not cake batter!)
  • Poor it in the mold, in whatever way you want
  • Make sure the mold is filled up
  • Wait for at least 24 hours, but probably longer (the manual will tell you)
  • Demold
  • Be happy (or not)!

What did we make?

Well, what we made you can see in the picture above and in the gallery down below. But to give you a small description (in order of the photos in the gallery):

  • We got some molds to put the resin in, namely: coasters & bookmarks (and we used one from Doctor Who, which we already had). In the picture you can see Eveline's coasters and a bookmark, when the resin was only just poored.
  • After a while (a couple of days) the resin is hard enough so you can demold it. And that's what we did! In this picture you see the finished bookmarks, including tassles! The ones with tassles are made by Eveline, the other two by Ramon.
  • As you can see, we decided to make galaxy bookmarks. However, the glitters we used, all fell down to the bottom. In this picture you can see two of the downsides of the bookmarks and see all the glitters.
  • We also made some coasters! But the part you actually use, is on the bottom of the mold. So once again: all the glitters fell down. Eveline made the rectangle and round ones, Ramon played around with the hexagon.
  • On this picture you can actually see what we saw. No glitters.
  • We had some resin left, so we decided to make some Tardis'ses. Aren't they cool?
  • And also, Ramon tried to make a chess set. However, this mold sucks and he got a new one. When it gets here, we'll try again!

What we used

Resin: First attempt!
Resin: First attempt!
  • Resin
  • Lockdown stuff